What is a Finance Director / CFO?
Important Person
In the more modern management process the FD/CFO may well be the most important person on the team. He or she has to keep the company out of trouble and avoid surprises, (ensure) integrity of the numbers and provide reliable guidance. Ask what if? What’s the back up plan?
Who is the visionary in the company
The CEO has to be the visionary, the company’s strategic leader, but he needs an FD or a CFO to support him. A CFO can help get behind the numbers and say “Here’s what’s really going on in the business”
CEOs look for: a strong leader, business executive who happens to also have good financial skills. Excellent communication skills and the ability to think strategically.
Demand for good FD or CFO
The demand for good CFOs is stronger than ever and they’re being asked to transcend or widen their band width and their normal finance functions, become stronger and provide more counsel to the CEOs and boards, rather than being the historical green-eye shade accumulators of data.
Qualities needed in an FD/CFO:
1. Technical competence
2. Capacity to understand the business
3. Great communication skills
4. Personality as vigorous as rigorous
5. Someone who can lead and manage a high performing team
6. Qualities of a good FD/CFO
7. Qualities of a good FD/CFO
Giveaways that you’ve got the wrong man (or woman):
1. running out of cash
2. consistently late figures
3. constant revisions of management accounts
4. never takes a holiday